XXIX Edició. La Bisbal d'Empordà. 19, 20, 21 de Juliol de 2024

Quim Giron & Moon Ribas

Ramat Simfònic

Ramat simfònic is an outdoor show that invites us to graze with Moon Ribas and Quim Girón, shepherds and performers of the piece. Spectators form a herd, with loudspeakers hanging from their necks like electronic seashells. The herd moves, the sound of the show moves with the movement, and audience and performers form and deform choreographies for each scene. Joan Cot, musician and soul of this entire human orchestra, manipulates a sound universe created from the voice. Symphonic herd is a habitat, a community, an instrument, a ceremony… It is an invocation to the gregarious sense and the animal instinct within the human being


20 July 19:00 h





Pont vell (Itinerant)


Espectacle recomanat per a majors de 7 anys

