XXIX Edició. La Bisbal d'Empordà. 19, 20, 21 de Juliol de 2024

Cia PerNassos

Gran Circ

The great artists are about to arrive. On their way to the stage, with a wooden cart and creating quite a stir, Jean Claude and Rebeca, the ushers of El Gran Circ, arrive. They work so that everything is ready and the function begins without any unforeseen events. But what can happen if the great artists do not arrive on time?

A show in which these two characters, through laughter, emotions and absurdity, will encounter an infinite number of difficulties that will bring us closer to our most human, naive and fragile part, where failures are an engine for to keep moving forward.

The Great Circus is a small and particular tribute to the world of the circus and its traveling life from the point of view of the clown. Just as the essence of the classic circus conveyed and showed the extraordinary in the world, The Great Circus is an open window that allows us to focus on everything that makes us extraordinarily human.


20 July







Passeig Marimon Asprer


Show for all audiences

